- 房型三
- 就讀週數9週
- 學習目的準備考試
- 入學前
- 水平5
了解基本語法和能夠順暢使用英語 - 多益0 | 托福0 | 雅思5
- 入學後
- 水平7
能夠流利和自信地說英語 - 多益0 | 托福0 | 雅思6
課程 | 4 |
教師 | 5 |
管理層・工作人員 | 5 |
食品 | 4 |
設施 | 4 |
網絡 | 3 |
整體滿意度 | 5 |
- 課程
- 教師
- 管理層・工作人員
- 食品
- 設施
- 網絡
- **此評論為根據學校給的資料代PO**
Hi, I'm Grace. I'm a Chinese IELTS student studied in CNC language center for 15 weeks.
In CNC, I acquired a lot of knowledge. Before I came here, I got 5.5 band score.
Thanks to my tutors, I got 6.0 in my latest official IELTS test:6.0 in listening,
7.0 in reading, 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in speaking.
Tutors here are very kind and responsible to help students improve their English.
Students here are very nice friendly who will give their hand whenever you need help.
CNC is like a big family.
I strongly recommend this academic language center to everyone
who wants to study and improve English.
CNC 點評
- 進步很多
- 學校環境真的很舒服也很適合讀書,很值得來的一間學校,但畢竟不是宿霧或者馬尼拉,所以要過來的同學要先對這個地方有一定的了解才不會有所失望
- 4
- 就讀週數16 weeks (2014.7 - 2014.10)
- 2015 / 05 / 18
- 點評人數 0
- 我的雅思進步很多
- 在CNC的5週內,我的雅思分數衝5.5進步到了6!!!
- 5
- 就讀週數1 weeks (2016.9 - 2016.10)
- 2016 / 10 / 10
- 點評人數 0
- My life at CNC would be the treasure of my life
- I’m writing this letter to extend my gratitude to all my teachers and my friends who encouraged me to study harder during my stay in CNC.... I first came to CNC as an ESL student 2 years ago and studied for 8 months. At that time I was really beginner le…
- 5
- 就讀週數12 weeks (2016.9 - 2016.12)
- 2016 / 12 / 29
- 點評人數 0
- 如果你對這間學校感興趣…
- 如果你對這間學校感興趣,你可以向我们索取學校資料或小册子!
- 如果你已決定申請這所學校
請點擊以下“申請”鏈接! - 申請 CNC