Katy 點評 (女 / 選擇年齡 / 大學生)
發布日期 : 2017 / 02 / 11
I really appreciate my tutors because they help me a lot to achieve my score and very proud of my score which is 6.0
- 房型選擇房型
- 就讀週數14週
- 學習目的準備考試
- 入學前
- 水平1
初學者 - 多益0 | 托福0 | 雅思0
- 入學後
- 水平6
能夠進行日常對話 - 多益0 | 托福0 | 雅思6
課程 | 5 |
教師 | 5 |
管理層・工作人員 | 5 |
食品 | 5 |
設施 | 5 |
網絡 | 4 |
整體滿意度 | 5 |
- 課程
- 教師
- 管理層・工作人員
- 食品
- 設施
- 網絡
- ** 此評論為學校代Po**
Hi! My name is Sarah.
I've been studying in the Philippines for 4 months.
I've been an ESL student for 2months and then 2months IELTS student.
I really appreciate my tutors because they help me a lot to achieve my score
and very proud of my score which is 6.0.
I've learned a lot in CNC and I really wanted to thank Ms. Rhoda,
Myren, Winnie, Che, Lucky, Frezel, and my parents for sending me here.
Also for Korean manager, Wesley
CNC IELTS program improved my English skills a lot for my future and
I'm so happy to know here for studying English.
I really want to recommend CNC to students who want to achieve their score!
CNC 點評
- 進步很多
- 學校環境真的很舒服也很適合讀書,很值得來的一間學校,但畢竟不是宿霧或者馬尼拉,所以要過來的同學要先對這個地方有一定的了解才不會有所失望
- 4
- 就讀週數16 weeks (2014.7 - 2014.10)
- 2015 / 05 / 18
- 點評人數 0
- 我的雅思進步很多
- 在CNC的5週內,我的雅思分數衝5.5進步到了6!!!
- 5
- 就讀週數1 weeks (2016.9 - 2016.10)
- 2016 / 10 / 10
- 點評人數 0
- My life at CNC would be the treasure of my life
- I’m writing this letter to extend my gratitude to all my teachers and my friends who encouraged me to study harder during my stay in CNC.... I first came to CNC as an ESL student 2 years ago and studied for 8 months. At that time I was really beginner le…
- 5
- 就讀週數12 weeks (2016.9 - 2016.12)
- 2016 / 12 / 29
- 點評人數 0
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