Katy 點評 (女 / 25-29 / 大學生)
發布日期 : 2017 / 03 / 13
I really had a great experience in Philinter and it will remain in my heart.
- 房型三
- 就讀週數5週
- 學習目的保持英語能力
- 入學前
- 水平1
初學者 - 多益0 | 托福0 | 雅思0
- 入學後
- 水平5
了解基本語法和能夠順暢使用英語 - 多益0 | 托福0 | 雅思0
課程 | 5 |
教師 | 5 |
管理層・工作人員 | 5 |
食品 | 5 |
設施 | 4 |
網絡 | 3 |
整體滿意度 | 5 |
- 課程
- 教師
- 管理層・工作人員
- 食品
- 設施
- 網絡
- **根據學校給的資料代Po**
Hi, I am Rika from Japan. I want to begin talking about before I came here. My plan was to study hard and try the culture in the Philippines. My desire was to make my time valuable since this was my first time to study abroad. I expected the weather to be humid.
When I first came here, the weather was sunny. So, my expectation really happened. The food in Philinter was fantastic. The cooks or chefs were very kind and the cafeteria was clean. I usually bought snacks at the snack bar and they were very affordable.
I studied in Philinter for a month. It was very short but I had fun. I had good memories in Oslob and Sumilon Island. I watched whale sharks and went swimming with my friends. The sea around Sumilon Island is very nice and beautiful.
I also had good memories with my classmates in Philinter. After our classes, we would talk near the pool and did yoga sometimes. My friends were very nice to me. Even though my friends were Japanese, we tried to speak English with each other so that we could practice using the language. I believed that learning English is not easy, so I came to the Philippines to study. I have applied what I have learned in my classes.
All in all, I really had a great experience in Philinter and it will remain in my heart. All I can say is you taught me the right way! I hope to see you again!
Philinter 點評
- 比較敢講,也比較聽得懂
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游泳池還滿大的,學校的設施算還不錯 ,老師都還滿親切的,慢有耐心的教導
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- 3
- 就讀週數8 weeks (2014.7 - 2014.9)
- 2015 / 05 / 16
- 點評人數 0
- 英文程度提升不少,聽說讀寫都有進步
- 【總體評論】
- 4
- 就讀週數5 weeks (2014.1 - 2014.3)
- 2015 / 05 / 22
- 點評人數 0
- 多樣化的學校,方便舒適的學習環境
- 【總體評論】
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- 4
- 就讀週數12 weeks (2015.1 - 2015.4)
- 2015 / 05 / 23
- 點評人數 0
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